"Dont think of fear as a deterrent. Its a kick in the rear to prepare."
Those words came from Helen Hayes a stage performer of over 60 years experience. She admitted to nerves, describing pre curtian jitters as a "familiar companion that nagged me to do my very best."
In other words dont let fear intimidate you. Even Winston Churchill fainted at one of his first public presentations.
The fear of looking foolish is so strong that psychologists have claimed that the most common nightmare before a public presentation is a dream of being naked before an audience. By the way Winston Churchill initially overcame his fear by imagining his audience were naked. however, he did develop a method based from his experiences as a young army officer on the Afghan border. He realized that he had to overcome every nervous mannerism or his men would give way to fear, and as chrchill admitted "only a fool is not afraid of being shot at."
Churchill learned to control his emotions, at firast tightly gri[[ing the lectern until he could look into the eyes of his audience.
Just as an army officer cannot aord to let his men see his fear, you should never give your audience anty excuse to doubt your ability.
The British foreign Office motto became Churchill's own adage: "Never excuse, never explain, never complain."
So many speakers begin with the aside "I am not a very good speaker" or "I did not get time to prepare" as if somehow this will somehow buffer them from a negative audience. Allit does is plant a seed of doubt ibto your audience mind!
If they dont know, dont tell them!
Actress Ethel Barrymore, who turned down Winston Churchill's proposal of marraige, also faced the jitters in her career of six decades. She advised Churchill: "Winston, you've just got to put on an act!"
So if your nervous, act like a season professional, skilled, suave, persuasive and feel the confidence you desire.
Step 2 in the Balle against nerves in a few days!
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