This is part 2 in Overcoming Butterflies
Dont bite off more than you can chew!! Or retranslated: master your material and keep to a theme.
Churchill's maiden speech was well recieved. He spoke on his recollections in the Boer War where he was captured, escaped, and mades a triumphal reentry into Natal, and fought is one of the first to enter Ladysmith and Pretoria when these were recaptured.
His second speech was not so successful.
Perhaps Churchill thought he needed to make his mark so he covered everything from finance, foriegn policy and education even attaccking the Prime Minister.
Churchill blew it! Why. because he thought he would not have enough to say! As intellectual as Churchill was he could never cover so much in one speech.
Later, Churchill advised young diplomat on this very point. The young man talked on many important things but when he asked Winston for advice, churchill replied "You didnt have a theme".
To lead we need to be clear in our intention and everything we say must amplify and explain that intention. To put in Churchill's words, we must stick to a theme.
Clarity of intention comes from focusing your efforts on where they will do the most good.
Talking, or writing about, marketing? Marketing is a huge topic. Do you mean internet marketing? Perhaps you could focus on Search Engine Optimization, or how to write selling articles. If your a teacher perhaps you could write about marketing products to the education sector. Don't write about archaeology, but rather the development of bichrome pots in ancient Philistia. Keep the focus narrow and explain that well. Master a concise topic and become an expert.
Butterflies come from the fear of looking stupid. However, if you can explain to someone something they doid not know then you have done what is expected of you.
At the time you face an exam you must know more than anyone else - even if you forget it next week.
when you speek in public you must have examined yout topic - your narrowly, clearly defined topic - better than anyon else. You must have examined the topic from a variety of angles and be totally confident in it. If you walk on the platform fully prepared, then you can feel you know more than anyone else in the audience.
That expertise gives confidence!
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