“There is that act of preparing the moment you start caring”
Winston Churchill
Irish born Bourke Cockran was described by U.S. Presidents Taft and Wilson as America’s greatest orator. Cockran coached Franklin Rooservelt and mentored Winston Churchill, Churchill once asked Cockran “What is the secret of eleguence?” to which came the reply “Believing in what you are talking about. Sincerity”
Many speakers parrot of facts and figures, obviously bored out of their brain, or really just getting the lecture out of the road. They have to do it, its just a job and everyone in the audience knows it!
Who of us has not had to write a school report and put it off, finally we start collecting information and before long through the act of preparing we are involved in the process of learning and delivering the material. The act of preparation can do so much to raise enthusiasm. Remember you need to know more about the subject than anyone else there, So get involved learn and you will be inspired.
Imagine going to a doctor and the doctor showed no interest in you. He shed you all his metricates and degrees but seemed uninterested in your health. You would change doctor! Its the same with speakers. If you want a second invitation be interested, you better be enthralled in your topic.
People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care.
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